Intentional Homemaker

I was convicted twice today already.  And it is only 1pm.  I guess today is my day!!  First was a post I read on facebook by a blog called  Very encouraging and yet convicting.  In the article she talked about how she used to count the hours of sleep, the hours the baby was awake, the hours it takes to clean, the hours...Stressed and crazy she sat and felt overwhelmed when a woman with seven children sat beside her rocking her baby commented that Hannah probably didn't count the hours, but held close to Samuel for the time she had him. 

 Am I holding close to the children that God has blessed me with without stressing about the time that I don't have for other things.  I am thinking that my stress gives them stress, which gives me more stress.  So I began to pray that I would be able to do that.  I would be able to relish the time I have with my children.

Then I was reading my intentional homemakers challenge today and was definitely challenged! 

 How do I think about "me time?"  

Well, at first I was like, "what is this lady talking about!  There is nothing wrong with going out with the girls or just taking some time for yourself."  And, although I think that God does want us to have time of refreshing.  I wonder if our idea of refreshing is not what the Lord had in mind.  

Am I content to be with my children, home, husband.  Am I dissatisfied with the blessings the Lord has given me?  Am I putting myself above others?  I am not saying that going out on a girls night out can not bless you, or even encourage you to be a more godly mother/wife, but is it what we are longing for?  Are we putting ourselves on the throne and saying it is cause we need a break from it all.  It can't fill an emptiness that God has put in our hearts for our family.  Being satisfied with what God has given us and holding our children close is so important to making us refreshed.  

She said, "There is nothing wrong with spending time with friends, as long as we’re not doing it to “get-away-from-it-all.” And as long as we understand we’re not deprived if we don’t get these things, and we don’t need these things to be healthy and content. I myself have found many ways to enjoy and relax, without completely abandoning ship - running away from the one who truly gives me refreshment, comfort & rest." (Esther from Our Simple Country Life)

Definitely food for thought.  Something to chew on.  When I think of both post I realize they are both talking about the same thing.  Being satisfied with Jesus.  Putting Him on the throne of my life and not putting ME first.  Holding this precious time with my children.  Realizing that my time with my children is swift and a gift. 

 "When we submit ourselves to God, He meets above and beyond all our needs, including those for "Me Time."  (Esther from Our Simple Country Life)


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