Teddy Said

Last night on the way home we were talking about the message that had been preached.  It was excellent.  I asked Teddy what he thought and he said, "It was good!" Then he said,

"When I am a preacher and preach, I am going to use this illustration.  We are like cats stuck up a tree, and Jesus is like a fire fighter. The tree is like sin.  We are stuck in sin and Jesus is there with his ladder to help us down, but sometimes we are afraid to get on the ladder."

I don't know about you, but I was very impressed.  And it got me thinking.  He is right.  Sometimes we get stuck up "sin trees" and we are scared to come down.  Jesus is always there to offer the escape, but we don't always reach out to Him. Sometimes we cling to our sin because of the comfort we have from it.  Like the sin of worry.  I'm a worrier.  I have to pray a lot when worry starts to strangle me.  It is like I can't let it go, because then I know I am not in control.  Although, I was never in control to begin with.  Jesus is better than a fire fighter, He waits patiently for me.  He doesn't try to rip me from my limb, He just points me to the ladder, and the Holy Spirit nudges me down the ladder.  He places my feet on solid ground.  He helps me to succeed.  To overcome the sin.

For those lost, they don't see Christ for who He is.  Just like a scared cat that doesn't know the fireman.  They are unsure if what He is offering is really help.  They don't realize they can cling to Him to help them. 

I love this illustration.  I am now going to be reminded of Jesus rescuing me every time I hear or see a fire truck.  Which, since my house is right down the road from the fire station, happens a lot!

Trust the "fireman!" He can rescue you and help you have victory over sin!!!!


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