Learning to clean
Okay, for those of you that don't know...I hate to clean. However I have "suffered" through...well at least since staying at home. I have been studying on a wife's responsibilities and came across several "uninformed" authors who dictated that it is my God-given responsibility to keep the house in order and clean. Okay, sooooo they aren't uninformed. Actually they have challenged me to think of it as my God-given responsibly instead of "chores!" Through my studying and practicing I have learned some things about me, my family, and most importantly about God.
The one I want to share starts with something I am stealing from a web site I found while organizing my cleaning schedule. The web site's contributor "Fly lady" as she is known, says, "A load a day keeps the chores away." At first I thought, yea right. I have found with three small children this is basically a fictional thought. However, it has helped on laundry day to make it much easier. I did, however, learn a very good biblical principle from this thought. Giving God our day, our time, and our "loads" or burdens daily does keep us on the right track and close to Him.
Okay, maybe I am stretching it a little bit, but this is what I thought. You see if we daily give to God our time, burdens, our selves than we don't have the HARD cleaning that comes when we grow away from God. Sometimes in life we get "busy" and put God on hold, then when we are in a big dirty mess we realize just how much cleaning or laundry we have to do before we can get back to serving God. We have a laundry day that is overwhelming and uncomfortable. So if we daily confess our sins, study God's word, seek to serve Him, and just giving Him what He deserves which is ALL of us, than it does keep the "chores" away in a sense. Oh, there are times that the daily things can be hard and confessing sin isn't ever easy, but it does make it easier to do it daily.
Laundry is not my favorite chore, and I am not sure that I will ever truly enjoy it. So instead of thinking, "man, do I have to fold another load." I am praying for my children, my husband, and other family and friends. I am talking to God about what I can better do to serve Him. I am singing praises to Him. And enjoying the fact that I don't have to think "fold shirt in half, fold in arms, fold in half again." Instead I can be thinking of things that will help me to keep my daily walk with God out of a "dirty mess."
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